Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is your identity based on your ability?

You see God intended for women to operate in their full potential. However, most women function from an unknown identity, living an unfulfilled life. Therefore, not being able to see themselves the way God designed them to be. As women, we tend to base our identity on our ability. You see, as long as I make no mistakes, my identity is based on my ability to take care of my husband, tend to the kids, keep the house in order, provide home cooked meals, advance in my career and my contribution to the community. If I can't see myself being able to fulfill all that I was called to do, then I begin to feel overwhelmed and bogged down with life. Ask yourself, is your identity based on your own ability or God's ability? The word says in Phil 4:13 "...that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you". Is this true in your life? Are you experiencing victory in all that you do? Or are you experiencing defeat and failure? Are you toiling? We were designed to live in victory, to walk in love, to have abundance and to be over comers. It's time to walk a life of victory and experience triumph and success. You were made in "...His likeness and image..." (Gen 1:26-27). Pull on His ability, so that you may experience your potential. Then, dare to dream with Him and allow Him to fill in the details. Connect to His emotions so that you are equipped to conquering life's many challenges. Begin to operate in your full potential based on your identity of who you are in Christ!

"You evolve not by seeking to go elsewhere but by paying attention to and embracing what's in front of you." unknown author

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